Haṭha Vidyã Philosophy
Yoga Philosophy

समत्वं योग उच्यते
(Samatvam Yoga Uchyate)
A sound theoretical understanding of the yogic texts is important to complement the practices in yoga. Let’s understand that both theory and practice are incomplete without each other.
There are a lot of interpretations of the theory available; however, one can gain clarity on the nuances of the practices only if we study under the guidance of an eminent master. With such understanding, one can use the texts as references whenever needed.
If you are a practitioner or a yoga teacher seeking some answers that you are unable to find despite practicing yoga for a long time, or if you are a beginner and curious to know the complete subject of yoga in its entirety, then yoga philosophy becomes imperative.
We are offering a course on yoga philosophy that takes into consideration some very important and well-known literature on yoga and also intends to help the practitioner connect the theory with practice, which is rare to find
~ Acharya
Principles of Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a well-known practice that is familiar to many. However, it is important to note that asanas are but one component of the eight limbs of yoga, as outlined by Sage Patanjali in his Patanjali Yoga Sutra. What about the other seven limbs that have not been mentioned yet?
In order to fully comprehend and integrate the comprehensive eightfold path of Ashtanga yoga into our daily lives, it is imperative that we commence with the initial two limbs, namely the Yamas (ethical principles) and Niyamas (personal observances) as outlined by Sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra. This literature is an essential treatise for individuals who are genuinely seeking in-depth understanding about yoga.

4 Limbs of Yoga
Many of us are familiar with 'Ashtanga' yoga, which is also known as the Eightfold Path of Yoga. However, it is worth noting that the majority of Ashtanga yogasanas are also included in Hatha yoga.
Hatha yoga is based on the principles of 'Chaturanga' yoga, which consists of four limbs. The whole explanation of this topic may be found in Swami Svatmarama's 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika', which is considered one of the most important literary works on Hatha yoga currently available. This text is highly relevant for anyone seeking to understand the precise scientific principles and techniques underlying Hatha yoga.
The 'Gherenda Samhita' is a significant literature in Hatha Yoga that introduces the concept of 'Saptanga yoga' or the Seven limbs of yoga. It is written as a dialogue between Sage Gherenda and his student Chanda Kapali.

Principles of Yoga
An extensive examination of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and a meticulous evaluation of the Bhagavad Gita. Expertise in the study and practice of Jnana Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti Yoga, and Mystical Traditions. The discussion of ethical principles in yoga and their relationship to social justice is ultimately achieved by extensive research and practical application, resulting in a thorough comprehension and implementation.At HathaVidya it is our endeavor to elevate
yoga consciousness from the mere physical form of the asana, to the complete understanding of the how, why and what of attaining that particular posture and how this is just the first step in attaining Yoga (union) which is, and should be, the final goal for any spiritual seeker.
So if you are looking for clarity on such matters and dont know where to begin, we at HathaVidya are here to give you a guiding hand at understanding the essence of Yoga; not only in the academic sense with the aid of classical texts, but also by helping you to integrate the theory with your practice.
Ancient Classes from the Wisdom of Traditional Haṭha Yoga
Begin your transformational journey with the world’s best yoga philosophy class. Dive deep into ancient teachings to achieve mind-body harmony. Absorb yourself in professional lessons to strengthen the skills you use & improve the way you live. Enhance your comprehension with the peak of the philosophy of yoga instruction.